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About Her

Julia Gerbasi (she/her) – Therapist by day, poet by night, human and pasta lover anytime.


Forever a Rainbow Girl (cue LGBTQ flag, but also my strong belief that everything humane exists on a spectrum- of emotions, attraction, uncertainty, freedom, meaning, fluidity, et.), forever a student of the mind-heart connection - soon to be psychotherapist – soon to be managing head tension from this screen time and my own neurodivergent brain. 

I have an educational background in the sciences, a physical activity background on the soccer field, until I stopped running from my own feelings, found psychology, and believed that a fulfilling life needs a balance of science and art. I found writing as an outlet when I was age 14, which acted as a foundation for the poetry book I wrote during the global pandemic's inevitable reflections of an introvert. There is a power of writing, rewriting, rebuilding and I incorporate several approaches as a therapist to best fit my clients needs and story.

P.S. That was a mouthful. Please see my credentials written more professionally in the heading of this website's homepage.

I am thoroughly impressed for your own attention span having made it here ! thank you :)


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